Mindanao Lawyers Support ICC’s Duterte Drug War Investigation


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A group of Mindanao lawyers, who have tragically lost members and colleagues to extrajudicial killings, have expressed their unwavering support and cooperation with the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) investigation into the drug war led by former President Rodrigo Duterte.

The Union of Peoples’ Lawyers in Mindanao (UPLM), headed by Antonio Azarcon, issued a statement emphasizing their quest for justice for the numerous lives lost and the grief-stricken families left behind.

Climate of Impunity

Having experienced the devastating loss of loved ones during what was termed “nanlaban” police operations or killings by “vigilante” death squads, including members of the legal community, Mindanao shares a strong desire for accountability and justice.

UPLM believes that seeking accountability for the thousands of lives lost is crucial to putting an end to the prevailing climate of impunity in the country.

The UPLM emphasizes that the ICC ruling should serve as a powerful reminder. Despite attempts by the state to delay justice through procedural measures, a day of reckoning and accountability will inevitably come.

Unwavering Commitment to Human Rights

They also stress the importance of governments genuinely adhering to the implementation of domestic laws and upholding human rights. By doing so, it would reduce the need for intervention by international bodies like the ICC.

The group calls on the Marcos administration to demonstrate an unwavering commitment to human rights. It calls on the government to honor its international legal obligations and cooperate fully with the investigation.

According to records from the National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers, which has UPLM as an affiliate, a total of 133 lawyers have been killed in the country since the restoration of democracy in 1986. Among these deaths, 59 occurred during Duterte’s presidency.

End of Engagement

Despite the Philippine government’s appeal to stop the investigation, the ICC’s Appeals Chamber voted 3-2 on July 18 to reject the appeal.

The decision allows ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, to proceed with the investigation into alleged crimes of humanity committed during Duterte’s drug war.

READ: International Criminal Court Confirms Resumption of Investigations in the Philippines

On another note, Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra disclosed that President Marcos had approved the government’s disengagement with the international court.

Guevarra clarified that their appeal to the ICC Appeals Chamber marked the end of their engagement with the ICC.

The government awaited closely the decision with the vote it nearly won at 3-2.

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