20 Former State Enemies Undergo Livelihood Training


The Ministry of Interior and Local Government (MILG) of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) conducted a livelihood training to some 20 former terrorists in Lanao del Sur last week. (Photo Courtesy: John Felix Unson)

COTABATO CITY – Twenty former state enemies underwent farming skills training to hasten their reintroduction to mainstream society after their long involvement in violent religious extremism and acts of terror.

The 20 erstwhile members of the Dawlah Islamiya and the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) also received from the Bangsamoro government an initial support of P11,260 each after their completion on Friday of the Agricultural Crops Production National Certificate III Skills Training in Bubong, Lanao del Sur.

“We appreciate the activity because it complemented our efforts to transform these former members of groups that are engaged in terrorism into productive citizens,” Army Major Gen. Steve Crespillo, commander of the Army’s Western Mindanao Command, said on Sunday.

The WestMinCom has jurisdiction over military units in Lanao del Sur and in the five other provinces of the Bangsamoro region —  Maguindanao del Norte, Maguindanao del Sur, Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi.

The one-week livelihood training was part of the Tulong ng Gobyernong Nagmamalasakit, or “Project Tugon,” of the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government (MILG) of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

Project Tugon focuses on socio-economic and humanitarian interventions essential to the reintegration to the local communities of former terrorists from groups fomenting hatred for non-Muslims and the government.

Records from the Police Regional Office-Bangsamoro Autonomous Region (PRO-BAR) and WestMinCom showed that Project Tugon has assisted some 634 former members of the Abu Sayyaf, the Dawlah Islamiya and the BIFF in the past eight months.

The participants trained in modern farming last week, whose names were withheld for security reasons. They had earlier received relief support from BARMM’s Rapid Emergency Action on Disaster Incidence contingent, operating under the supervision of MILG. 

The Dawlah Islamiya, the BIFF and the Abu Sayyaf have a reputation for attacking the families and relatives of members who have pledged allegiance to the government. 

MILG chief Naguib Sinarimbo said more former state enemies who have surrendered in recent months shall receive humanitarian and livelihood support. (John Felix Unson)

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