BARMM, Basilan governor to build houses for ex-ASG members


Cotabato City – As part of their efforts to rehabilitate former Abu Sayyaf members, the Bangsamoro government and Basilan governor will initially construct 39 homes.

Governor Hataman Salliman revealed on Monday that he had signed an agreement with Minister Naguib Sinarimbo to advance the housing project in the province.

According to Salliman, their team is currently evaluating potential locations for the housing development.
As Salliman mentioned, the Ministry of the Interior and Local Government-Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) will cover the costs of the project through the TUGON program.

The MILG-BARMM’s TUGON program has various capacity-building and community development interventions complementing the normalization agenda of the Mindanao peace process, part of which is a normalization tract for non-members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Richard Gregorio Falcatan, the provincial information officer, said Salliman and Sinarimbo had signed the MOA for the housing project during a formal event at the provincial capital, with other authorities, including MILG Deputy Minister Ibrahim P. Ibay, in attendance.

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