San Antonio Elementary School’s Science and Math Month Celebration 2023


A faint smile was plastered on the learners faces as they make their way to the conference hall carrying their art materials for the celebration.


Mercedita Sandoval-Padilla
Teacher III
San Antonio Elementary School

San Antonio Elementary School enthusiastically held the Science and Math celebration on the 23rd day of September, year 2023.

The campus was filled with excitement and nervousness for the learners and teachers were thrilled given that there are several activities provided such as: Poster making, Collage making, Sci-Dama with two bracket, Water Patrol for the grade levels 3 and 4, and Power Patrol for grade levels 5 and 6. The school will also be having their Sci-Quiz, hyping and challenging those learners who are scientifically inclined.

A faint smile was plastered on the learners faces as they make their way to the conference hall carrying their art materials to be used during their participation in the Poster Making and Collage making contest. As the participants’ peers, friends, advisers, and classmates were spectating as they stroked their pencils and blended the colors they were hoping and praying for their contestant to win.

Nexylight Queen Pegarido victoriously won the poster making contest with her splendid piece of art, showcasing her fascinating artistic strokes and her creative way of mixing colors. On the other corner of the conference hall tension is felt. Sci-Dama competitors in both brackets have been playing face on to each other.

Every contestant displays their critical thinking skills, tactics, and strategies to conquer the game. Charyl Rose Callangan claimed the title for being the Sci-Dama Water Patrol winner with her deep concentration and careful moves, she was able to take down her opponent. The young girl was able to inspire and amaze the spectators and her fellow learners. Brilliance, talent, perseverance, and dedication. This is what it takes for the 6th grader Japeth P. Lipasan to defeat his opponent in the Sci-Dama Power Patrol contest and grab the victory for the Sci-Quiz despite the numbers of the intelligent students who participated.

Furthermore, before the day ended the school conducted their tree planting activity within the school premises. With the lead of the school’s principal, Mrs. Janeth Laya, they successfully planted trees. Despite the heat those who participated in the activity felt fulfilled. This has become the highlight of the celebration. “He who plants trees, plants hope” says Lucy Larcom.

The San Antonio Elementary School Science and Math celebration was a blast to all. Everyone’s interest in the two subjects being celebrated was ignited. The campus was filled with fulfillment, knowledge, tension, fun and interest until the end of the day. It was worthwhile for the learners and the teachers.

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