The Role of Teachers in Empowering Students’ Self-Esteem



Self-esteem refers to how we value and perceive ourselves. Self-esteem is the combination of self-confidence and self-respect.

Mr. Benjie P. Autida
Teacher III, Tungawan NHS

According to psychologists confidence in one’s value as a human being is a precious psychological resource and a highly positive factor in life. A person’s self-esteem is correlated to his or her achievements, relationship with others, and satisfaction. Self-esteem can influence life in myriad ways, from academic and professional success to relationships and mental health.

Nowadays prejudices, bullying, racism, and the like are very rampant in schools.

Bullying in School

According to Sen. Gatchalian on his senate’s hearing for the implementation of anti-bullying law, at least 7 out of 10 students in Philippine public schools suffered bullying. He also accentuates that it is very worrisome because in the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) report that the Philippines ranked 1 in bullying across 70 plus countries.

The senator also presented statistics from PISA that there is a direct relationship between being bullied and the performance of students. Bullying and all types of discrimination directly affect a student’s self-esteem. Though R.A 10627 or the Anti-Bullying Law was already been implemented it is important to note that nowadays there are still many cases of bullying and discrimination in schools whole over the country.

Family, Peers         

 We also need to take note that a student’s self-esteem is not affected only by bullying and discrimination in schools but it is also affected by the way their parents and family members treated them. Their neighbors, peers, and all the people in their environment also affect their self-esteem. Their failures, disabilities, fear, and insecurities also do the same. Students’ self-esteem is very fragile, it can easily be broken. We need to understand that one’s experience forms the basis of that person’s overall self-esteem.

If the student’s classmates, peers, family, and community can’t help students boost their self-esteem their teachers are the only people left to encourage them and empower them. When a student receives praise and appreciation from teachers they feel honored and valued thus creating a resonating effect on their behavior and attitude towards their studies but when a student receives disapproval and discrimination from teachers they lose love and interest in their studies resulting from poor academic performance and absences.

If the student’s classmates, peers, family, and community can’t help students boost their self-esteem their teachers are the only people left to encourage them and empower them.

Studies show that when a teacher shows support and care for a student that student is more likely to engage actively in school and excel in their studies.

Students are weak and fragile. They are vulnerable individuals that need care and love. Let’s always remember that the foundation of one’s success is a strong support system. If the students’ family and community can’t support them then who else will?

I believe that teachers are the perfect people who are nurtured and taught in their 4-year college degree about honing and nurturing the confidence and potential of their students.

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