How is the Philippine Education Doing Today?



Education is one of the most fundamental assets a person must have to succeed in life. Education helps us in many things. It helps us realize our potential, it helps us think critically and creatively, and it also helps us widen our perspective and understanding.

Mr. Benjie P. Autida
Teacher III, Tungawan NHS

Though some may say that not all successful individuals have finished their studies yet we can’t deny the fact that finishing one’s studies gives an overwhelming advantage in order to succeed in life. In the employment system of the Philippines today education is still one of the biggest criteria in evaluating new employees’ competitiveness.

K-12 Program

Over the years the state of Philippine education had been to so many changes. Now let’s check how is Philippine Education doing today.

For many years Angola, Djibouti, and the Philippines were the only countries that had a 10-year basic education while the rest of the world was following a 12-year basic education program. During the last decade, the Philippines embraced the K-12 program under the Enhanced Basic Education Act signed by Former President Benigno Aquino III on May 15, 2013. The law aims to enhance the quality of education in the Philippines by adding 2 more years at the secondary level. For a decade Philippine Education is under this K-12 program and continues to improve its curriculum to provide students with the best quality education the DEPED (Department of Education) can give.

Despite the efforts of the government and the Department of Education (DepEd) education in the Philippines still needs many changes in order to give students the quality education they deserve.

According to Sara Duterte, Vice President and Educational Secretary of the Philippines, the Philippines is facing a lot of challenges that need to be solved. She presented a report about the lack of school facilities and resources in the country. The Philippines currently have 327, 851 school buildings, and more than 100,000 of them require minor repairs, 89, 252 require major repairs, and more than 20,000 school buildings are nearly being condemned.

The vice president also raised her concern about the declining numbers of enrollees in private schools as 1,600 private schools closed during the pandemic last 2 years.

Lastly, she also highlighted the report from PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) that 81% of Filipino learners struggle with basic math problems, reading comprehension, and scientific understanding.

Significant Tool

Education is a very significant tool in building a better future for Filipinos. Though the government and the Department of Education are doing their best to help improve the quality of education in the country yet it is still not enough to give learners the best quality education they must have.

As Filipinos, we must be united to contribute to providing our young generation the education they must have to build a better Philippines. Let’s remember that education starts from home, we can hone our children by teaching them the right manners they must always observe, and let us always show them a good example to follow. Let’s accept the fact that we are all responsible for the things our young generation learns and acquired from the things they see about us.

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