Why Few Education Students Choose TLE as Specialization


There are several reasons why relatively few teachers choose Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) as a major.

Teacher III
Surabay National High School

In spite of the high demand of teachers in the Philippines, there are a few students taking TLE as their specialization. There are several reasons why relatively few teachers choose Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) as a major.

Because of Limited Awareness and Promotion, students can’t see the whole picture of TLE as specialization. Many students may not be fully aware of TLE as a career path or the diverse opportunities it offers. We can attribute this to the career guidance programs of the different public and private institutions to high school students. Before students graduate from high school, colleges and universities visit schools to promote their course offerings, often than not, emphasis on TLE as a subject that offers variety of opportunities may not be properly communicated leading to students reluctant on taking it as a major. Moreover, TLE may be viewed as less prestigious compared to other fields, which can discourage students from pursuing it. Some students eye for majors like sciences, math, and language as more attractive compared to the rest. 

The Curriculum complexity is seen to be another factor that leads to this phenomenon since TLE is multidisciplinary in nature: It encompasses various subjects (like home economics, agriculture, ICT, and industrial arts), making it challenging for students to specialize in a single area. The jack of all trades, master of none is a misconception to this subject. Students are given specific discipline to specialize instead of getting all the components in TLE. The need for diverse skill sets can deter students who feel less confident in practical or technical disciplines.

Students nowadays are looking at where they would be after graduating in college. This mindset allows them to see employment opportunities. Job market perception for TLE in the lens of students may perceive limited job opportunities in TLE compared to other fields such as engineering, business, or education. For more chances of employability, they opt to getting the conventional courses. Many students prefer to pursue degrees that are seen as more lucrative or prestigious, such as those in business or healthcare leaving TLE behind.

To address the existing issues, efforts to promote TLE as a valuable and viable teaching career can help increase the number of teachers choosing this path. Understanding that TLE encompasses multidisciplinary areas can widen opportunities and skills acquisition not only focused to one but various subjects making students and would-be teachers flexible in their fields.

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