Coloran Integrated School Supports Gender and Development


Gender and Development (GAD) serves as a pivotal force in fostering women’s empowerment and actively advocates for the indispensable inclusion of women in all facets of society.


Pilar P. Cortez
Coloran Integrated School

It was under the presidency of Rodrigo Duterte that the Department of Education (DepEd) issued the Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy through DepEd Order 32, Series of 2017, which aimed to integrate the principles of gender equality, gender equity, gender sensitivity, non-discrimination, and human rights in basic education.

Gender and Development (GAD) serves as a pivotal force in fostering women’s empowerment and actively advocates for the indispensable inclusion of women in all facets of society. This government-initiated initiative was established with the primary objective of addressing and rectifying pervasive gender imbalances and inequalities prevalent within the nation.

By prioritizing women’s empowerment, GAD endeavors to create a socio-economic landscape where the meaningful participation of women is not only recognized but also integral to the overall progress and well-being of the community.

Coloran Integrated School strongly supports the advocacy of GAD.

During the first meeting of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA), the GAD coordinator discussed gender and development. She emphasized gender equality must be taken into consideration.

The school head coordinated with the stakeholders to conduct an activity to enhance awareness about GAD.

It was agreed during the meeting to hold a Family Day celebration highlighted by the coronation of the Couple of the Year.

Many activities were prepared such as cooking contests, dance contests, and parlor games showcasing equal capability of men and women.

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