LTO Renews Campaign for Motor Vehicle Registration to Ensure Road Safety


The Land Transportation Office (LTO) Chief Assistant Secretary, Atty. Vigor Mendoza II, has issued a warning to all delinquent motor vehicle owners regarding the renewed implementation of the “No Registration, No Travel” policy.

grayscale photo of black car on road

Photo by Arjun MJ on Unsplash

The Land Transportation Office (LTO) Chief Assistant Secretary, Atty. Vigor Mendoza II, has issued a warning to all delinquent motor vehicle owners regarding the renewed implementation of the “No Registration, No Travel” policy.

After the long Christmas and New Year break, the LTO chief announced that the policy will be revived nationwide starting next week. Mendoza appealed to all concerned individuals to register their motor vehicles promptly to avoid paying hefty fines.

Earlier this month, the Department of Transportation Secretary, Jaime Bautista, instructed all regional directors and enforcers to adopt a lenient approach towards delinquent motor vehicle owners during the holiday season. Instead of issuing ticket violations, they were advised to issue warnings. However, with the end of the holiday season, the LTO is now resuming strict enforcement of the registration policy.

According to recent data, there are approximately 24.7 million unregistered motor vehicles across the country, accounting for around 65 percent of all motor vehicles. Mendoza emphasized the importance of registering these vehicles, as it plays a crucial role in ensuring road-worthiness and minimizing road crashes.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recorded that globally, around 1.3 million people lose their lives in road crashes each year, with an additional 20 million to 50 million individuals sustaining injuries. Shockingly, in the Philippines alone, an average of 32 people die every day due to road crashes. These alarming statistics highlight the urgent need for comprehensive road safety measures.

Mendoza reiterated that the campaign to register all motor vehicles in the country primarily aims to enhance road safety for all users. By ensuring that vehicles are registered and road-worthy, the government can take proactive steps to reduce the occurrence of accidents and protect the lives of its citizens.

Registering motor vehicles not only helps in maintaining road safety but also contributes to the overall efficiency of the transportation system. It allows for better traffic management, as registered vehicles can be easily identified and monitored. Additionally, registered vehicles comply with emission standards, reducing air pollution and promoting environmental sustainability.

Delinquent motor vehicle owners are urged to take immediate action and register their vehicles to avoid any inconvenience or penalties. The registration process is relatively straightforward, involving the submission of necessary documents and payment of the corresponding fees. The LTO has also implemented various measures to streamline the registration process and reduce waiting times.

It is essential for all motor vehicle owners to recognize their responsibility in ensuring road safety. By complying with the registration requirements, they contribute to the collective effort of creating a safer and more efficient transportation system for everyone.

The renewed campaign for motor vehicle registration, with the implementation of the “No Registration, No Travel” policy, aims to prioritize road safety for all users. The LTO’s strict enforcement of this policy serves as a reminder to delinquent motor vehicle owners to register their vehicles promptly. By doing so, they not only avoid hefty fines but also contribute to the overall improvement of the transportation system, reducing road crashes, and protecting lives.

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